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We have been collecting and dealing vintage and antique world ethnographic textiles for almost forty years, and have a sister website to Yorke Antique Textiles at The Kimono Gallery, which is devoted entirely to kimonos and kimono jackets.
In 2003, we became more interested in focusing on Japanese textiles, especially kimonos. With most of the world's best ethnographic artworks already heavily collected during the 20th century, it was astonishing to discover that in the 21st century one of the world's most iconic ethnographic arts - the kimono - would be so little understood and collected. Certainly the vast amount of extant kimonos - in the millions - smoke-screened the fact that among the multitude were a relatively small amount of kimono gems. We have viewed roughly a million kimonos -- those kimonos found in price levels three and four in this gallery are the gems of that extensive search.
Our clients include museums, interior decorators, collectors as well as kimono enthusiasts in general. We hope that you find something on the website that you will wish to collect and treasure.