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This needlepoint artwork is composed of various wool, silk, and tarnished silver metallic threads. Most of the plant and human figures are crafted in petitpoint, while the light silk background features gros point. Acquired from an elderly gentleman who purchased this piece (along with a pair, see 1341a) in the 1960s from an antique dealer, it's believed these were sconces or covers used with lanterns or candles, with the mats cut in the shape of the sconces. The piece is in excellent condition, with minute losses in wool petitpoint on some plant areas. It was framed between the 1960s and 2000 by Gallery Mihalis in Hudson, Quebec, Canada. The framed dimensions are 26 inches by 17.5 inches (66 cm x 44 cm), while the needlepoint itself measures 19 inches by 9.5 inches (48 cm x 24 cm).