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This small, distinctive silk ceremonial kimono showcases yuzen-painted Myriad Treasure motifs, adorned with five mon (family crests). Measuring 44 inches across the sleeves and 45 inches in height (111.8 cm x 114.3 cm), its smaller size suggests it was likely worn by a 12 to 14-year-old and was more commonly worn by males due to its uncommon motifs for female garments.
Featuring five family crests, this kimono represents the most formal attire, and its motifs symbolize "takara," auspicious magical items that constitute the Myriad Treasures. These treasures, associated with the Seven Gods of Good Luck, ensure prosperity, long life, and overall good fortune. They range from organic items like mandarin oranges, cloves, and coral branches to deity-made symbols such as the hat and raincoat of invisibility, the purse of inexhaustible riches, and practical yet auspicious man-made items like coins, an anchor, and a weight. Objects representing the cultured life, including brocades, koto bridges, a flat fan, and scrolls, also form part of these treasures.
In this kimono, the motifs of scattered treasures without the presence of the gods or the Ship of Good Fortune collectively represent these treasures, showcasing a representative sampling. Likely commissioned by a wealthy family, it was probably worn by a son during New Year's festivities, as the Myriad Treasures are associated with that time of year. Given its rare size and style, it's presumed that only a few Meiji-period Japanese families could afford such a luxury.